Emoji :bookmark: Instructions
Click "Reports" on the left-hand navigation.
Click the "+ Add Report" button.
Resource Type: Select “Group” and then select the group you want to report on in the “Group” dropdown list.
Entities: Click “Select All” under the list of entities to add them all. Or, add the individual entities within the Group that you would like to include on the report.
Recommendations: Select the recommendation(s) you want to add to your report. Click “Select All” under the list of recommendations to add them all, or, individually select the ones you’d like. The critical recommendations are automatically at the top of the list.
Select All Flagged for Report: clicking on this button will automatically select all recommendations that had been chosen to be flagged from the entity profile.
Clear All Flagged for Report: clicking on this button will automatically remove all recommendations that had been chosen to be flagged from the entity profile.
Title: Type in the title of your report.
Draft: This report can still be edited at any time by the user who created it. This includes adding/removing recommendations, editing the title, status and summary.
Finalized: This report has been reviewed and approved to show the client. The report cannot be edited after it has been finalized.
Presented: This report has been reviewed, approved to show the client and presented to the client. This status allows the user to add the date the report has been presented. This report will now be saved on the Group or Entity page to let others know it has been presented to client.
Summary: The summary of your report can contain text about anything you my need to present this report to a client. This can be a meeting agenda, action items or notes for discussion.
Save your changes to create your report.
Emoji :video_camera: Video Resource