How Do I Add an Entity?

Emoji :bookmark: Instructions: from the Left Navigation

  1. Click "Entities" on the left-hand navigation.

  2. Click the "+ Add Entity" button.

  3. Complete the required fields.

  4. Save your changes.

Note: Only ‘Admin' users are able to add an entity. If you are a general user, you will need to contact your firm’s admin user to add the entity.

Emoji :bookmark: Instructions: from the Group

  1. Click "Groups" on the left-hand navigation.

  2. Click on the group of the entity.

  3. Click the "+ Add Entity" button.

4. Complete the required fields.

5. Save your changes.

Note: Only ‘Admin' users are able to add an entity. If you are a general user, you will need to contact your firm’s admin user to add the entity.

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